Programme Overview
Plant Tissue culture is an important tool for both basic and applied aspects of plant biotechnology as well as its commercial applications. As a technique widely known for the production of large numbers of genetically identical plantlets, this technology exhibits several advantages over conventional propagation techniques. All techniques are skill based and upon systematic learning, can equip a person to effectively utilize the techniques in various areas like basic research, environmental issues and commercial applications. It is a valuable tool for research on morphogenesis, cell signaling, physiology, and molecular biology, as well as crop improvement by biotechnology. This course offers a comprehensive hands-on training for learning the basics with an insight to laboratory practices along with exposure to “lab-to-land” transfers.
The objective of the course is to provide basic and applied training in the subject for development of skills for a successful career in entrepreneurship, generate technically trained human resource for tissue culture industries and as instructors in schools and junior colleges. Benefits of Course: The course will be a value added course for High School and Jr. College Science teachers. Entrepreneurs who wish to establish their own labs will be benefitted with the lab to land training; Researchers in plant tissue culture who have a focus on commercial applications such as crop improvement, secondary metabolite production, and various strategies for inducing genetic interference; persons who want to understand basic laboratory setup, handling of explant tissue, nutrient medium and establishing the culture, and incubation of cultures.
Course Structure
S.No. |
Course |
Title |
Total number of hours |
1. |
PTC-1.1 |
Plant Tissue Culture: Techniques (T) |
22 hrs |
2. |
PTC-1.2 |
Micro-propagation (T) |
22 hrs |
3. |
PTC-2.1 |
Practical course based on PTC-1.1 |
80 hrs |
4. |
PTC-2.2 |
Practical course based on PTC-1.2 |
80 hrs |
Course Fees:
Course content
PTC-1.1:Plant Tissue Culture
Introduction. History. Scope. Advantages. Applications. Limitations.
Guidelines for establishing academic and commercial laboratory.
Steps involved in Plant Tissue Culture.
Various nutrient medium composition.
Plant growth regulators and their role in nutrient media.
Types of organ cultures and their applications.
Pathways of regeneration.
Micrografting of commercially important plants. In vitro approaches for crop improvement.
Plant cell reactors.
PTC-1.2:Micropropagation (22L)
Meristem culture for the production of virus free plants.
Nucellus culture for clonal propagation and large scale multiplication.
Stratagies of Micropropagation.
Stages of micropropagation via axillary shoot proliferation in Monocots and Dicots.
Stages in micropropagation via direct and indirect organogenesis.
Stages in micropropagation via direct and indirect somatic embryogenesis.
Low cost methods for micropropagation.
PTC-2.1:Practicals in Pant Tissue Culture:
Handling and Instrumentation of Plant Tissue Culture.
Glassware Washing & Sterilization Techniques.
Preparation of stock solutions and nutrient media.
Surface sterilization of Explants.
Monocot and Dicot Seed cultures for the establishment of organ cultures.
Establishment of organ cultures for the induction of callus
Establishment of organ cultures for the induction of multiple shoots
Sub-culturing of nucellar seedlings for clonal propagation.
Technique of micrograftingin fruit crops.
Primary hardeningof tissue culture plants for their acclimatization
Cytological study of calli cells and their subculturing
Establishment of embryogenic/ non embryogenic cell suspension cultures.
Embryo / Endosperm/ Ovules and anther Cultures.
PTC-2.2: Practicals in Micropropagation
Demonstration of meristematic explants in different plants
Preparation of mother plants for collection of explants
Monocot shoot bud culture for axillary shoot proliferation
Dicot Shoot tip / nodal segment culture for axillary shoot proliferation.
Establishment of Dicot and Monocot multicultures
In vitro and ex vitro rooting ofmicroshoots.
Primary and secondary hardening of tissue cultured plants.
Artificial seed production from microshootsand theirin vitro germination.
Establishment of cultures for the induction of embryogenic callus.
Maturation and conversion of somatic embryos into plantlets.