1434 Snehal Lohi Bode | Computer Science and Engineering | Doemumbai

Computer Science and Engineering


Snehal Lohi Bode
Prof. Snehal Lohi Bode Assistant Professor

Computer Science and Engineering

Experience 9 Years



S.No Degree University/ Board Specialization Year Of Passing % Percentage Class/ Division
1 PhD RKDF-IST, SRK University, Bhopal, MP Computer Science & Engineering Pursuing - -
2 MBA R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur, MS HR and Service Sector Management 2018 CGPA – 7.53, SGPA - 7.71 Distinction
3 M. Tech. R.G. Technical University, Bhopal, MP Computer Science & Engineering 2014 CGPA-- 7.84,SGPA-- 8.00 Distinction (Honors)
4 B.E. R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur, MS Information Technology 2010 68.30 First
5 12th Maharashtra Nagpur Board Science 2006 60 First
6 10th Maharashtra Nagpur Board General 2004 75.46 Distinction
S.No. Organization Post held Subjects taught (Th.+ Pr.) Sole Instructor or with others Class of semester
1 Saraswati College of Engineering, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai. Assistant Professor Data Structure , Data Warehousing and Mining Lab. Sole Instructor DSE CSE-AIML and Data Science and Computer Engineering, 3rd Sem CSE- AIML and CSE- Data Science, V Sem CSE- AIML
2 Saraswati College of Engineering, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai. Assistant Professor Operating System, Internet of Everything , UNIX Lab Sole Instructor Information Technology Department
3 A.C. Patil College of Engineering, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai. Visiting Faculty Database and Information Retrieval Sole Instructor 4th Sem. Mech.
4 Shrimati Rajshree Mulak College of Engg. for Women (SRMCEW) Nandanvan, Nagpur (MS) Assistant Professor (Regular) and (Adhoc) Data Warehousing & Mining ,Operating systems ,Computer Network ,Computer Architecture & Organization ,Ethics In IT Sole Instructor 7th sem. CSE ,4th sem.CSE & IT ,4th & 6th sem.CSE ,3rd sem. IT ,3rd sem. CSE & IT
Sr.No. Title of Training Program Organization Duration
1 STTP on Recent Trends in Data Science and Information Security Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology, Nerul, Navi Mumbai 5 Days
2 National Level Online FDP and QUIZ on Disruptive Technologies of Industry 4.0 ( Scored 87%) Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues College of Engineering, Bandra(W), Mumbai (Father Agnel Technical Complex) 5 Days
3 International FDP (e-FDP) on “Post Pandemic Scenario Building using AI, ML and Optimization Techniques” KDK College of Engineering, Nagpur in association with ACM India, SCRS, New Delhi & CSI 1 week
4 Webinar on Trends in AI : A Modern Perspective by Dr. Lavika Goel, MNIT, Jaipur St. Joseph’s Institute of Technology, Chennai supported by IEEE CS Madras, ACM Chennai & Wiley India. 1 Day
5 Recent Trends in Technology and Teaching Learning Methodology SAGE University, Indore in association with ISTE. 3 Days
6 STTP on Data Migration and Reconciliation with BigData Dr. D.Y. Patil Institute of Engineering Management and Research, Pune 3 Days
7 FDP on Post COVID-19: Challenges, Opportunities and Role of Engineers. Lokmanya Tilak College of Engineering, Koparkhairane, Navi Mumbai 1 Day
8 FDP on Modern Educational Tools and Pedagogical Practices for Online Teaching Vidyalankar Institute of Technology, Mumbai in association with ISTE, IEEE, IIDE, MathWorks 1 week
9 Online FDP on Recent Trends in Database Technologies Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur 1 week
10 Webinar on Mobile Forensics : Opportunities and Challenges Don Bosco Institute of Technology, Mumbai 1 Day
11 National Level Online FDP on “Online Teaching-Learning Processes using ICT Tools for Education 4.0” St. Vincent Palloti College of Engineering & Technology, Nagpur in association with CSI 1 Week
12 E-FDP cum Webinar on Machine Learning and Post Covid-19 effect on Computer Science Research SRK University, Bhopal 1 Week
13 Short Term Webinar Series on Industry 4.0 Industrial Internet of thing & Manufacturing using IOT SCET, Nagpur in association with DCS 1 Week
Sr.No. Organization Position held Responsibilities
1 Indian Institute of Technology, Indore and Soft Computing Research Society, New Delhi Paper Reviewer and Member, Technical Organizing Committee 10th International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving - SocProS 2020 IIT Indore
2 Soft Computing Research Society, New Delhi Paper Reviewer and Member, Technical Committee Congress on Intelligent Systems World Conference in Virtual Format -2020
3 KDK College of Engineering, Nagpur, ACM India, SCRS, New Delhi Member, Organizing Committee Organization of one week International e-Faculty Development Program
4 SRMCEW, Nagpur T & P co- coordinator Conducted all the activities pertaining to T&P cell like Campus Placement drives, aptitude tests, seminars etc.
5 SRMCEW, Nagpur Faculty In-charge ‘Brain-Wave’ & ‘TechnoDivas’ Student Forum Coordinated various student forum activities and programs
6 SRMCEW, Nagpur Class In-charge & Co-In charge Held responsibility of class in- charge and all associated works
7 SRMCEW, Nagpur Departmental Exam In-charge Coordinated the departmental sessional exams
8 SRMCEW, Nagpur Annual Social Gathering Conduction of the Inaugural and Valedictory functions