Offered Programmes

M.Ch. (Urology) 

Programme Overview

M.Ch. (Urology) is an advanced three-year postgraduate programme that provides knowledge regarding the problems related to the urinary tracts of males and females and its management. The programme is also designed to teach the students about the various problems that occur in the reproductive system of males. Students will also undergo training to evaluate, understand and manage genitourinary disorders.

Programme Outcomes

  • icon Knowledge of the Subject - Students will learn and be competent in all of the aspects related to urology and be aware of the developments in the field.
  • icon Mastery of Skills - Through the programme, the students will develop the skills that are required for clinical practice and health care.
  • icon Research - The students will understand the importance of scientific inquiry and learn how to apply research literature to clinical practice.

Key Information


3 Years


Career Prospects

After graduation, the students will be able to venture out and build their careers according to their interests and specialization. Some of the popular job prospects for M.D.  (Biochemistry) are listed below:

  • Consultancy / Private Practice
  • Employment in a Medical college, hospital, research institute, healthcare organisations etc.