Offered Programmes

MDS (Oral Medicine & Radiology)

Programme Overview

The M. D. S. in Oral Medicine & Radiology is a three-year postgraduate programme, where the students get to know about the diseases of oral and surrounding structures, oral manifestation of systemic diseases. They also get to learn about the patient’s history taking, diagnosis, clinical examination, investigations, radiographic examination and medical management of lesions that are pertaining to the oral cavity.

Programme Outcomes

  • icon Theoretical Knowledge and Understanding - The students will become well versed with basic relevant sciences such as the applied anatomy of the face and oral cavity, the basic physiologic processes and the basics of pharmacologic applications. Also, they would learn how to physically examine the patients as well as diagnose the of normal and abnormal functioning of different systems.
  • icon Oral Medicine, therapeutics and laboratory investigations - The students on completion of the course will become proficient in formulating a differential diagnosis and investigations plan and draw the plan for future course of treatment.
  • icon Synthetisation of Ideas - On completion of the course, the students will be able to effectively analyse the problem by recalling the facts that they have studied and would be able to suggest a suitable solution for the same.

Key Information


3 Years

course detail

Career Prospects

Graduates of MDS (Oral Medicine & Radiology) can look forward to getting jobs in government as well as private hospitals and clinics. They will also be eligible to pursue research and can also take up a career in the field of academics and become a lecturer or a professor. Some of the job profiles are:

  • Consultancy / Private Practice
  • Employment in a Medical college, hospital, research institute, healthcare organisations etc.