The examinations for online mode programme are conducted by the Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) under the supervision of Controller of Examination. Student can appear examination through HireMee online examination portal or App. The students need to follow the guidelines to appear online examination. The Indian students can appear the online examination through HireMee App or HireMee portal whereas foreign students can appear through HireMee portal only. Both the methods allow the examination with test pin only. Student is not supposed to register or login to the App or portal. Insure that you have received the test pin through email. Check your inbox for the same. Insure that it is not diverted to spam/junk folder of your email account.
Guidelines for online examination through HireMee portal (for Indian/Foreign students):
- Foreign students are supposed to use web portal to appear for exam. Don’t use HireMee App for the same.
- Open your web browser and use following URL to attend exam.
- The web page will ask for test pin. Enter test pin received through email and click on “Start Test” button.
- After successfully entering test pin, portal will display you test instructions. Read them the click on “Proceed” button.
- The App then will take you to exam page, where you can start your exam.
Guidelines for online examination through HireMee App (Indian Students Only):
- This option is not available to foreign students. Foreign students need to use HireMee portal.
- Check your email that mentions the test pin for corresponding test paper. The email contains link for HireMee. Click on the link to appear test. Or download HireMee App from Play Store/IOS store and open the App.
- After App is opened, it will land on login page. You are not supposed to register or login the App. At the bottom of landing page, it asks “Do you have test pin? Go”. Click on the “Go” button. In other words, you need to appear test with pin only and that does not demand to login. Don’t try to register or login the App.
- After you click on “Go” button, it will ask you to choose assessment mode. Choose PRO Assessment mode. Click on “Submit” button after entering the pin, received through email.
- If the pin you entered is correct, App will take you to instruction page. Read the instructions, and proceed to exam.
- The App then will take you to exam page, where you can start your exam.