Activities / Workshops / Webinars

Atamras Kirtan Darbar Vision Screening Camp
Date 12/04/2022
Place Savitribai Shivakar Hall Pune, Maharashtra

An eye camp was organised by Bharti Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University Medical College, School of Optometry, Pune in association with Atamras Kirtan Darbar for primary vision screening of all age groups.

Total patients screened- 65

Number of emmetropes- 15

Number of patients with refractive errors- 26; among which 8 were advised to continue same glasses, 9 were prescribed new glasses, 4 were referred for examination under controlled conditions for glasses and 5 were referred for cycloplegic refraction.

Number of patients referred to ophthalmologist- 17; 1 for fundus examination, 13 for cataract, 1 for pinguecula and 2 for drug prescription.

  • 1 patient was referred for squint evaluation and 1 was referred for detailed accommodation evaluation.
  • 2 patients left without complete eye examination, because they had to leave urgently.
  • 2 patients were not willing for refraction; one of them was comfortable with their current glasses and the other didn’t want glasses.
  • 2 students of M. Optom 1st year, 1 student of B. Optom 4th year and 6 students of B. Optom 2nd year participated in the eye camp.