Cultural Activities

The program featured various cultural performances, including traditional music, singing, and a cultural fashion show, which showcased the rich diversity of Indian culture.

The event started with solo performance by Jahnvi Malhotra paying homage to Goddess Durga which mesmerized everyone. The venue was adorned with colorful traditional decorations, including flowers, rangoli, and festive lighting, creating an authentic and festive ambiance. The event revolved around various activities like ramp walk by the fashion society of BVIMR (NAYAAB), live group dance performances by the dance society of BVIMR (SUAVE) and the DJ which rocked the stage.

The event provided an opportunity for students, faculty, and staff to come together, fostering a sense of community and unity within the college. The lively dance performances, cultural displays, and delicious food contributed to the overall enjoyment of the attendees. The festive atmosphere and the sense of community created during the Navratri celebrations were truly memorable