Sponsored Research Projects

The institute offers support through funding for research projects. Since its establishment, the institute has provided funding for various minor research projects in different areas headed by the faculty members and principal investigators.

BV (DU) Funded Research Projects

Minor research Projects funded by BV (DU)

S.No. Title of the Project Principal Investigator Academic Year Status Outcome
1. Bacterial metagenomics study of Mula & Mutha rivers of Pune city” Part A. Mrs. Pritee Chunarkar Patil 2011-12 Completed 2 publications
2. Proteomic profiling of tear fluid with respect to diebities. Mr. S.K. Gaikwad 2011-12 Completed 1 publications
3. Mutational analysis of causative genes associated with MAC. Mrs. Snehil Jaiswal 2011-12 Completed 1 publications
4. Evaluation of effect of NSAIDs on probiotics. Dr. V.S. Tale & Dr. R. K. Bhadekar 2011-12 Completed 1 publications
5. Bacterial metagenomics study of Mula & Mutha rivers of Pune city” Part B. Mrs. Pritee Chunarkar Patil 2013-14 Completed 1 publications in pipeline
6. Screening anticandida activity of probiotic bacteria against pathogenic Candida albicans isolated from vaginal smear of pregnant ladies. Dr. N. K. Bipinraj 2013-14 Completed 2 publications in pipeline
7. Study of senescence of mesenchymal stem cells and it's intervention by phytochemicals. Dr. A.S. Moghe 2013-14 Completed 1 publications in pipeline
8. Survey on Life style disease among the tribal populations in Mulshi Taluka. Dr. E. A. Singh, Dr. Bipinraj 2015-16 Completed 2 publications
9. In vitro regeneration and micropropogation of selected Ayurvedic plants. Dr. Neelambika Meti 2015-16 Completed 1 publication
10. Elucidating the Molecular Mechanism of a novel Synbiotic Formulation in Non-Alchohlic Fatty Liver Disease.
Dr. Shamim Shaikh 2021-2022 Ongoing  
11. Isolation and Characterization of Phytopathogens from Bacterial Blight Infected Economically Important Fruit Crops from Maharashtra.
Dr. Rama Bhadekar 2021-2022 Ongoing  
12. Micropropagation of Rhizomatic Commercial Plants.
Dr. Neelambika Meti 2021-2022 Ongoing  
13. In vivo Studies on Essential Fatty Acid Producing Probiotic Picoorganisms
Dr. Bipinraj N K 2021-2022 Ongoing  
14. Screening of Bioactive Molecules of Madhav Rasayan and its Molecular Docking Study agaimst SARS-CoV-2 Structurally Conserved NSP.
Mrs. Pritee Patil 2021-2022 Ongoing