Academic Facilities



As an important part of the student’s academic life, the classrooms are well-equipped with a whiteboard, LCD and a computer with an internet connection for online lectures and knowledge sharing. The institute has a provision for the maintenance and upkeep of the classroom infrastructure.

The cleanliness of the classrooms is regularly maintained and is monitored by the class coordinator and HODs. The institute’s development fund is utilized for the maintenance and minor repairs of the furniture and other electrical equipment in the classroom. At the departmental level, the HODs are responsible for submitting their requirements regarding the classrooms to the Director.


Computer and Internet Facilities

The institute has three computer labs with an adequate number of computers with internet connection. The central computer laboratory is connected in LAN and is open for the students during a certain period. M/s Computronics, Pune regularly carries out computer maintenance and non-repairable systems are disposed of.

At the college library, a computer network facility is available and the library is automated with library software. The utility software is installed in different parts of the institute such as the office, library, departments, classrooms, etc. The institute’s website is maintained regularly by the faculty in charge.

The office computers are connected through LAN consisting of the office software making work easier and more systematic. Their use is restricted only to the appointed office staff. Staff members are provided with an internet facility on their individual computers.

Auditorium & Seminar Hall

Since the institute often holds seminars and conferences at the campus, the Auditorium & Seminar Hall of the institute have spacious and comfortable seating arrangements. The halls have the latest technology to hold any type of conference or programme.



As a centre of self-learning, the college library plays an important role in supplementing academic activities and boosting research. At the library, the students can access books and e-journals , CDs on various subjects related to the curricula of different programmes. The library subscribes journals, magazines of national and international level and daily newspapers. Students will also be able to access Economic Times and Financial Express, Industry Publications, House Journals, etc., and reprographic services.


Under the Home Reading Scheme, the students will be able to keep their issued books for a week. Additionally, the reading room is also open for the students during office hours. For the students belonging to the reserved and low-income category, a Book Bank Scheme is available where students in groups of four are issued one set of textbooks for the semester.


Students will be able to access the Computer Centre to use internet services, printer services, CDs on various courses and to prepare for their seminar presentations. To serve the students effectively, the centre has multiple nodes, printers, scanners and CD writers.

  • The institute has a provision for maintenance and upkeep of infrastructure.
  • At the departmental level, HOD’s submit their requirements to the Director regarding classroom furniture and other requirements.
  • The institute development fund is utilized for maintenance and minor repair of furniture and other electrical equipment’s.
  • The classrooms are equipped with a whiteboard, LCD and computer with internet connection for online lectures and knowledge sharing.
  • Cleanliness in the classroom is maintained regularly which is monitored by the class coordinator and HOD’s.