Research Events

It is essential to have the knowhow of all the latest developments that are taking place in the sphere of management and social work. Hence, seminars and conferences are organized as this gives the students the opportunity to upgrade themselves with the knowledge that is imparted by visiting experts and guest lecturers.

Faculty Development Programmes Organized by BVDU AKIMSS Solapur:

SR.No. Year Programmes
1 2022-23 "Quality Research and Publication in Indexed Journals"
2 2022-23 Skill development Programme for Non-Teaching staff
3 2022-23 How to Access E-books and Digital Databases
4 2022-23 E-Resources for Academic and Research Community
5 2022-23 Computer Forensic Detection and Incident Management
6 2021-22 Six Days FDP on 'Research Methodology: Tools & Techniques'.
7 2021-22 ICT Training for Non-teaching staff