
Gayatri Kapur
Ms. Gayatri KapurAssistant Professor

Dept. of Law Institute of Management and Research, New Delhi


Ms. Gayatri Kapur is a faculty of Law. Her primary research area is Criminal Law, Constitutional Law and Alternate Dispute Resolution. Working in these areas she had opportunities to present her work in various conferences, seminars and institutions.

She has also played various roles in organizing National Moot Court Competition, conferences etc.

  • Ph. D. (Pursuing)

Teaching : 3 Years

Research : 1 Year

Criminal Law, Constitutional Law and Alternate Dispute Resolution.

  • Kapur, Gayatri (2021). Resolving Disputes Avoiding Litigation: Alternate Dispute Resolution Practices for Indian Infrastructure Industry International Journal of Law Management & Humanities [ISSN 2581-5369].
  • Kapur, Gayatri (2020). Jagdish Chand and Ors. Vs. State of Haryana 2019(1)SCALE 213. Court Room Number 1. Thomsan Reuters.
  • Kapur, Gayatri (2021).The divinity of man and spirit of invention: The impact of Artificial Intelligence on Law. Artificial Intelligence and Law. Thakkar Law Publications.