Membership Drive for IEEE Membership Awareness and its benifits 13 March 2021

Title of activity: Membership Drive For Ieee Membership Awareness And Its Benefits

Number of Attendees: 18

Venue: Microsoft Teams (Online)

Membership Drive conducted by: Mrs. Sharda Tondare (Counselor), Mrs. Rupali Ambekar(Mentor) and IEEE Student Branch, BV(DU) College of Engineering, Pune.


  • To aware students about IEEE and its membership benefits.
  • To make students awareand staying current with the fast-changing world of technology.

Summary of the Seminar:

  • The seminar on “IEEE Membership Awareness” was conducted on Microsoft Teams (Online) to introduce the benefits of IEEE student membership asIEEE delivers access to the industry's most essential technical information, networking opportunities, career development tools, and many other exclusive benefits to its members. Few of them are discussed during the seminar:
  • One of thebenefits of being a member of IEEE is one can interact with other IEEE members who share similar interests and can build a strong network revolving around your profession,industry or projects.
  • Being a member of IEEE, one can participate in IEEE events either free of cost or with minimum of fee as compared to Non-IEEE member.
  • If you are a member of IEEE, you can join Webinars which helps to boost your technical knowedge.
  • IEEE being an International Organization helps with its features of IEEE Spectrum Magazine, Digital Library, Collabratec which helps to foster learning and curiosity among students.
  • The major forte of IEEE is publishing paper and students were made aware of importance of publishing paper with IEEE.
  • The benefits of attending conferences were also mentioned and how it can boostconfidence and foster sense of paper writing within oneself.


  • The students were motivated to become an IEEE member to avail all its benefits.
  • Students showed interest and were eager to become a member of the community for growth and development.
  • Students were also made familiar with the offers and discounts which IEEE is providing during these difficult times to ease membership options.