Felicitation of Chief Guest: Dr. Milind Kulkarni, Senior Scientist and Group Head, Nanocomposite Lab, C-MET, Pune by the hands of Dr. A.A. Shinde, Head, Department of Electronics Engineering, BV(DU) COE, Pune
Felicitation of expert: Dr. Sachin Chavan by Mrs. Sharda Tondare, Counselor, IEEE Student Branch, BV(DU) COE, Pune.
Felicitation of expert: Dr. Kirtan Tarwadi by Mrs. Sharda Tondare, Counselor, IEEE Student Branch, BV(DU) COE, Pune.
Felicitation of expert: Dr. I. A. Shaikh by Mrs. Sharda Tondare, Counselor, IEEE Student Branch, BV(DU) COE, Pune.
Interactive session on Nano cell and Nano batteries with Dr. Milind Kulkarni.
Hands on session on Nanoparticle synthesis from plant leaves.
Hands on session at Nano and Composite Material Laboratory, M. Tech. (Nanotechnology) Program on Atomic Force Microscope, Fourier Transform IR Spectroscopy and electrospinning machines.
Expert: Dr. Milind Kulkarni sharing practical aspects of future nanotechnology with participants.
Vote of thanks by Mrs. Sharda Tondare, Counselor, IEEE Student Branch, BV(DU) COE, Pune.