Mental Health (Psychiatric) Nursing department is the specialty area of nursing that focus on the promotion of mental health, prevention of mental illness and rehabilitates the client with mental illness.

The Department provides academic services and conducts research to promote mental health and prevent mental health problems of people, their families and communities as well as continuously intervene and rehabilitate patients with psychiatric problems and their families.

The department strives to provide a conducive environment for the students to develop analytical and practical skills and apply them to real world problems and motivates the PG students to conduct research in preventive promotive and rehabilitative aspects of psychiatric clients and present problems faced by vulnerable groups. Postgraduate program in nursing is to prepare graduates to assume responsibilities as nurse specialist, consultants, educators, administrators in a wide variety of professional setting.

Departmental activities

Conducting psycho-education and interactive sessions for inpatients and family members. Structured exercise program for rehabilitation centre residents and inpatients of Psychiatry ward. Observation of world mental health day, world suicide prevention day and world Alzheimer’s day. Regular outreach programmes in the schools and community. Regular Continuing Nursing Education for departmental faculty. Attending professional development programmes. Assist in various therapies and investigations conducted in the psychiatry/ De-addiction ward & OPD. In addition to classroom teaching, the students are guided and motivated to implement practically the principles learnt in classroom in the clinical which help students gain confidence and became skilled Nursing Professionals.