
4th Year Bsc Nursing – Report of Street Play Done on The Occation of Birthday of Hon. Patangraoji Kadam and Hon.balasaheb Kadam

ON 10TH JANUARY 2023 ,4th year B.Sc nursing students done street play on PREVENTION OF ROAD TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS at vijaynagar chowk ,sangli miraj road, sangli.

Following 15 students and 2 teachers were participated.


Archived News
Celebrated 79th Birth Anniversary of Hon'ble Founder Chancellor. Dr. Patangrao Kadam

Celebrated 79th Birth Anniversary of Hon'ble Founder Chancellor. Dr. Patangrao Kadam

Cultural Fest 2022-23

Cultural Fest 2022-23

On 04/03/2023 organized online workshop by Halp on free aboard counselling for TYBSc and Final year BSc Nursing students

On 04/03/2023 organized online workshop by Halp on free aboard counselling for TYBSc and Final year BSc Nursing students

Three- days Life Skills Training Program was conducted by GTT Foundation Pune for Students of Final Year BSc Nursing, Second year PBBSc Nursing and Second Year MSc on 21st, 23rd and 24th March 2023

Three- days Life Skills Training Program was conducted by GTT Foundation Pune for Students of Final Year BSc Nursing, Second year PBBSc Nursing and Second Year MSc on 21st, 23rd and 24th March 2023

Public awareness on Tuberculosis on the day of World TB day (24th March 2023) through Skit, Rangoli Competition & Poster Competition by SYBSc and TYBSc students

Public awareness on Tuberculosis on the day of World TB day (24th March 2023) through Skit, Rangoli Competition & Poster Competition by SYBSc and TYBSc students